Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week of 9/26

This week in class I learned that describing yourself indirectly through your writing makes it a lot stronger and easier to read; it can show the reader and give them an idea about the setting. One question I still have is how do I "show not tell" in my writing. Every time I try to describe myself I feel that I'm just telling the reader about myself rather than showing them who I am. Besides that, I also need to work on condensing my papers. I find myself rambling a lot and my papers are unnecessarily long.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No Place Like Home

When I first got to Western, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. I knew I was going to stay in the dorms but I didn't know anyone, heck I didn't even know my room mate. But once I got here I knew this was going to be fun. My dorm room is decked out with a bunch of posters, I got my own fridge, for a while I thought it was better than my room back at home. However, after being here for a month, I kind of want to go back. Just to sleep in my own bed, have a nice meal with the family, just kick back and relax. It's not like I can't do that here, it's just something about being home. My home is like my heaven; all my troubles and worries just fade away. I thought my dorm room would be like that, but it's not and I can't figure out why. I guess the old saying is true; there's no place like home.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stretching is Important

 Over the weekend I watched a lot of football games. Some were better than others, but all of them had at least 2 injuries. I thought to myself, why are these players getting injured. Then I remembered my last year playing football. One game, I decided I didn't need to stretch. I thought I could just play and do my thing. I was wrong. Half way through the second quarter, I get chopped at the knees; the hit ruptured my LCL. At first I didn't notice it because you don't actually need your LCL, so I kept playing. Later in the fourth quarter, I get chopped again. This time I tore half my ACL, half my Miniscus, and I popped out my Lateral Miniscus. This injury ended my football career. All this could have been prevented if I had just stretched before the game. So take it from someone with experience; stretching is important.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Week of 9/12

 This week in class I discovered how a writer's style can effect the message or meaning of the sentence or paragraph. For example, if a writer uses a very sarcastic style, the reader may not take anything they say seriously. I feel like I need to improve my comprehension of the readings we are assigned so I can participate more in class discussions. As for a question, I would like to know why we aren't allowed to have our names on our papers due next week.

Intro post

 Hello everyone! My name is Bryan Osborne. I'm 18 years old and currently enrolled at Western Michigan University as a freshman. Some things that really interest me are sports, working out, cooking, hanging out with friends and playing video games. My blog posts will be anywhere from what I learned or didn't learn in class, to what I cooked for dinner and sports; college and professional.