Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No Place Like Home

When I first got to Western, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. I knew I was going to stay in the dorms but I didn't know anyone, heck I didn't even know my room mate. But once I got here I knew this was going to be fun. My dorm room is decked out with a bunch of posters, I got my own fridge, for a while I thought it was better than my room back at home. However, after being here for a month, I kind of want to go back. Just to sleep in my own bed, have a nice meal with the family, just kick back and relax. It's not like I can't do that here, it's just something about being home. My home is like my heaven; all my troubles and worries just fade away. I thought my dorm room would be like that, but it's not and I can't figure out why. I guess the old saying is true; there's no place like home.

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